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Making the connection

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Feeling stuck, concerned, and wondering when we will see the other side? We are too. But we’ve also witnessed incredible acts of caremongering, and we’re happy to focus on this kindness to counterbalance that other not-so-pretty stuff.

Here are 8 amazing actions we’ve seen people take so far:

1. Buying gift certificates from local businesses to help them weather this storm. Here’s one way you can make it happen easily:
Also, there’s now an option to support social enterprise.

Update (March 31): An interview with Kelly Bergeron and Mayor Bernadette, discussing the gift certificate program on the Shopify Podcast.

2. Providing free services.
This is the shortlist (!)
* Will review from Journey Law
* One-month membership with Mindful Strength’s Kathryn Bruni-Young and Kyle Pichie (coupon Code: pandemic) and daily live-streamed classes with various instructors from Love Yoga
* Toy delivery from Kid’s Korner.
* Online cartooning classes with Frank Burelle Studios.
* Take-away pottery painting kits from Creation Studio.
* Loads of takeout and delivery options from food outlets including Finch Market (Finch), Fat Les’ Chip Stand (Finch), La Belle Sorelle (Alexandria), The Birchwood Cafe (Cornwall), Edward’s Bistro (Cornwall), The North Glengarry (Alexandria), The South Glengarry (Lancaster), The Finch Restaurant (Finch).
* Free meals for kids from the Akwesasne Boys and Girls Club.

*Because the situation is changing rapidly day by day, make sure you check with individual vendors for updates!

3. Making financial contributions to organizations that take care of vulnerable populations. (Here are some who can always use your help Maison Baldwin House, Agape Centre, Trinity Centre 105, Salvation Army Cornwall, Children’s Treatment Centre).

4. Offering grocery store runs and meal delivery to the elderly and immunocompromised. (Special shout out to Councillor Roxanne Villeneuve from North Stormont who has offered to personally deliver necessities to those in need.)

5. Hosting virtual get-togethers with friends to bolster human connection.

A super fun St. Patrick’s Day get-together posted by Laura Ellam!

6. Posting about free online finds including concerts, historic walking tour of Cornwall, podcasts, virtual tours, meditation apps, museum exhibits, operas and symphonies. Also, stuff for the kids: Scholastic Learn-At-Home activities, animal games, indoor activities, French stories, STEM activities, #operationstorytime.

7. Supporting the business community with information and financial relief resources. Look to the Cornwall & Area Chamber of Commerce, Cornwall and Counties Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC), Eastern Ontario Training Board (EOTB).

8. Thanking the front line workers for taking it for the team. Healthcare workers, truckers, grocery store workers: We see you and we thank you!

We know we’ve missed many helpers but we wanted to acknowledge all the goodness we’ve seen so far. To everyone out there—near and far—stay safe, look for the beauty, be kind to each other, get involved where you can, and know that we will all connect in person as soon as we get the all-clear. Oh, what a feeling that will be!