Writing in 150: 2023 Edition

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Introducing the winners of 2023’s Writing in 150 competition!

On April 15, 2023, Bunch of People Arts and Events unleashed another edition of their popular creative challenges. Participants were given specific themes and only 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) to furiously write a piece of work. Esteemed judges including screenwriter Tom Shock, high-energy blues-rock musician Lyle Odjick, and esteemed authors Jen Pretty and Murray Barkley deliberated and ultimately chose their favourites. Click on the event categories to see—and what—came out on top!

The 1st, and 2nd place works will also be published in print by the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Publishing. The winning songwriter will record their piece with  Railroad Recording Company. Check in with both these amazing local companies for updates!

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