sustainability kit reusable bag water bottle cutlery coffee mug lunch box

The Kit

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Lessening your environmental impact doesn’t have to mean expensive electric cars and solar panels on our roofs. Put together a few to-go items and reduce the amount of waste you create!

Hankies are incredibly handy. Use them for a runny nose, to grab a cookie, or to use as a lunch napkin. Find beautiful vintage handkerchiefs for only $1 or $2 at McHaffies Flea Market in Morrisburg.


Straws suck. In Canada, we can fill 5,500 school buses yearly with these discarded, non-recyclable items. Pick up a reusable one at Life’s Little Pleasures in Cornwall for $7.99.


You don’t need to give up your favourite take-out food to keep your waste to a minimum. Just Make sure you have your LunchBots box from Kid’s Korner handy and ask nicely to have it served in your own container. Only $21.99.


Tote bags can be used for more than hauling cauliflower and eggs. Grab this cute and sizeable Crush Lane tote for $24 and avoid a plastic bag at the thrift store, pharmacy, craft store and anywhere else you might shop.


A million plastic bottles are purchased every sixty seconds worldwide. A reusable water bottle will save you money and lessen the burden of plastic. Pick one up at Mrs. B’s Gifts & Home Décor for $26.95 to $32.95


Next time you are at a family BBQ, take out your cutlery set from Laura’s Flowers and Fine Gifts. It could spark a great discussion! Yours for $20.99.


Many of us can’t get our day started without a stop at the coffee shop. Arrive prepared with your fave mug from Campbell Creative. Find yours at The Maker Shop for $25.

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Carilyne is a proud member of Cornwall City Council, Executive Director of the Social Development Council and a passionate advocate for the environment and waste reduction. Carilyne believe that through low impact living everyone can make an impact against the Climate Crisis.