I’m not 100% sure what happened here. Two months ago, I sat on Esca’s patio drinking Prosecco and made the decision to publish a magazine. It would be a passion project to celebrate the one-year anniversary of my small-yet-mighty marketing agency. It would also double as a love letter to our fair city.
After many years in the industry, I know magazine making is bloodsport. I’m so grateful to those who jumped into the ring with me. My sidekick Lauren, artists, photographers, illustrators, writers, editors, designers, one architect and even a crossword maker helped fight the forces of deadlines, bad luck, missing cats and, on occasion, that dastardly creative block. To them I am forever indebted. (Please turn to p. 31 to learn more about these Cornwall creatives.)
There are also the people we feature throughout these pages, those who generously shared how they live, work and play—artists, designers, foodies, performers, community leaders and business owners. You trusted us to tell your stories. Thank you.
I hope the pieces in this magazine will spark conversation, compel us to seek out the deeper
human stories that surround us, and encourage us to find inspiration around every corner.
Enjoy Issue 1,

P.S. Got feedback? Email us at info@thinkbigcatch.com.
Cover: Cornwall streets. Illustration: Ryan Seale/Nimble Web Co.

Allison St. Louis/Chalk & Awe
A completely arbitrary list of shout-outs
To Len Hooper for making Cornwall Transit rock. To Claude Regnier and his crew for bringing the Slalom Skateboarding Worlds to town. To Misty Mac for winning Miss Capital Pride 2017. To the law-abiding drivers, bikers and pedestrians for looking out for their neighbours. To Dan Drouin for making the BMX Park happen. To the women who run kick-ass online auctions for rekindling a love of vintage finds. To our friend Kelly at Code Heroes for pushing digital literacy forward. To the organizers of the Kinsmen Farmers’ Market for bringing the freshness. To Air Gliders trampoline club for getting everyone high. To the advocates and government planners for working to make our city more pedestrian and bicycle friendly. To Esca for being great neighbours and never running out of prosecco and positivity. To Serendipity Boutique for selling great fashion for an important cause. To St. Matthew School for being forward thinking with their Freshca food program and longboard club. To Chris from Life’s Little Pleasures for her loveliness and longevity in business. To Maggie Wheeler for releasing her fifth novel. To Archie’s for bringing pond skating back. To Mike and Jenny’s Paddle Fit and Hybrid Marine for renting fun river gear. To the first responders for facing danger to keep us safe. To the social media sleuths for helping solve Cornwall’s most notorious crimes (and finding other people’s pets). To Kat Rendek for educating us all about sustainable food systems. To the organizers and volunteers for making fun, local events happen. To the performers for making us laugh, cry and sing along. To Lindale Shoes for stocking blue suede shoes. To Marrow and Spice for satisfying the clean eaters’ appetite for organic chicken feet. To the young entrepreneurs who blaze new trails. To the seamstresses, cobblers and other fixers for making old things new again. To the defenders of Lamoureux Park for understanding the value of green space. To the people who pay it forward for making our city a better place. Cheers to y’all.

Illustration: Pitt and 2nd.