Local thrift shops like Baldwin House’s Serendipity Boutique and the Agapé Centre’s New for You shop are making it possible for us all to look good and give back to the community.
These two darlings on the local secondhand scene stock their racks with high-style and low-priced gems, from distressed denim to designer handbags, wedding dresses to winter parkas, leather jackets to lace skirts, and every accessory in between. They work hard to leverage the power of generous donors, impeccable organization, dedicated volunteers, and some social media savvy to convert once non-thrifting shoppers into regular customers.
Customers with an eagle eye, a taste for quality, and a finger on the pulse on the latest trends visit often to scope out and scoop up the latest items. In the process, buyers are generating revenue for charitable services.
The creative team at Perch dropped in at these two stores, ransacked their racks, and curated outfits that reflect their unique vision of summer fashion. See these three fashionable females rock these sustainable styles.
PHOTOGRAPHER: Jason McNamara/Framed Photography
HAIRSTYLIST: Astrid Goetze
MAKEUP: Kent Shaver
MODELS: Alycia Douglass, Steff Groulx, Abbie Sergenese
SET ASSISTANT: Katie Verhoeven
LOCATION: Nativity Bowling, Cornwall

Behind the scenes
A fashion shoot is not all glam and glory, especially at 6am when this all got started. There’s a lot of primping, prepping, and…waiting.