At first glance, big and burly Mark Sicard wouldn’t necessarily strike you as a feline lover, but this kind soul is dangerously close to being labelled a crazy cat man. Why? Well, he has five.
“People pick on me for having a house full of cats, but I feel no shame about the fact that I have so many adorable kitties.” Not just any kitties. Rescue kitties.
Mark, the Creative Director for Vivo Brand Management in Cornwall, started his adoption journey nearly fifteen years ago when he adopted his first, soft grey- haired, Ziggy. Beautiful one-eyed Emma joined soon after. Then came Marley, a Maine Coon who had to be hand-fed with a syringe because she was too young to be without her mother. Winks, another single-eyed beauty with a gorgeous black and white coat that had been malnourished, joined the clowder a few years ago. And finally, Hobbes was the love-at-first-sight addition when Mark spotted him across a crowded room at an adoption event.
“All my cats come from abusive situations, and it took quite some time for each of them to trust me and become comfortable with one another. It’s amazing to see how much they have grown,” says the 34-year-old with pride.

Photo: Jason McNamara/Framed Photography
It’s a well-known fact that Cornwall has struggled with an overpopulation of cats for some time now. Shelters like the OSPCA of SD&G, the Akwesasne Animal Society, and Bainsville’s Roy and Cher’s Animal Rescue are often at full capacity. With the chilly winter months approaching, adopting a cat is welcomed help. Mark, who has reached the limit of the number of cats he can legally have, advocates for others to adopt.
“Often shelters need to euthanize cats because they are at capacity. The thought of this happening to any cat breaks my heart,” he says. “Adopting is such an easy process, and some programs can help with the cost of neutering. Plus, nothing beats the joy of extending your family with a sweet kitty who needs a good home.”
This story gives us all the feels. Who wouldn’t want to cuddle up next to one of these furry cats—especially if they’re wearing hats?