Into the Clouds

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Meet a local who likes to stay high.

Jaymie Secord is what you’d call a mountain man. Actually, the 40-year-old resident has branded himself “Joe Wilderness” and so far has bagged 25 of the 46 High Peaks of the Adirondack Mountains in the quest to become a “46er”.

Not limited to Upstate New York climbing, he’s also scaled hills in Ontario and Quebec, and in January 2021 jetted to Bali with his love, Lauren Secord, to climb Gunung Batur (1,717m). When the pandemic shut down cross-border travel, he shifted his focus to scaling domestic summits including Ha Ling Peak (2,047) last summer in the Canadian Rockies.

Photos by Nicholas Seguin Creative

His schedule this year was full of altitude too. This summer, he scaled the tallest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (5,895m), and climbed one of the greatest pinnacles of New England, Mount Katahdin, Maine (1,605m).

Joe Wilderness is hosting guided hiking trips this summer. Join him—’cause you know you’ll never regret the view.

When she's not spending time with her family or exploring the outdoors, Carol Ann is busy making great food at her café, Tilly's Eatery and Delicatessen in downtown Cornwall.