“The Boy with Enormous Potential💯”
By Peyton Grabs, 1st Place, Maxville Public School
Once upon a time there was a young boy named Zaro. He was autistic but he was highly intelligent. He was 5 years old and lived in a small house in a big yard.
Every day Zaro would wake up and get dressed. His mom, Georgia, would call him down for breakfast.
After Zaro had breakfast, he would go to therapy. Zaro’s therapy helped him with learning things like numbers, letters, and colors. He learned all the things he would learn at school, but he was just learning with him and the therapist.
One day after therapy he went to get some food with his mom. Until, they got a call saying that Zaro’s therapist had been let go and they needed to find a new therapist. His mother could tell he was disheartened.
So, they called and called but nobody wanted to be a therapist to Zaro. They kept saying it would be too difficult.
Until one day, Zaro’s mom Georgia got a call from a therapist. Her name was Tereasa. She told us that she had heard people were not taking Zaro because it would be too difficult. Then, she said that she would take Zaro in for free. She told us that she thought he was probably going to have enormous potential.
Georgia was so grateful that she was speechless. She ran up and down her room asking when they could have their first session. Tereasa replied with, “We could do it right now if you’d like.”
Georgia answered with, “YES! We would love that.” Tereasa was so excited and so was Georgia.
Georgia ran up the stairs, down the hallway and through the kitchen.
When she reached Zaro’s door she opened it and said, “A therapist…” as she looked around the room.
“Zaro? Where are you ZARO?”
She ran all around the house, she looked from top to bottom, and she couldn’t find him until she went outside. He was sitting on the chair near the garden petting Chester, his dog.
Georgia felt so relieved when she saw him. She ran up to Zaro and crouched down as she said, “Hey buddy, what are you doing out here? You scared me.” She was speaking in a relieved voice.
“I have great news! A therapist called and said she is going to work with you for free.”
Zaro was so excited that he ran into the house with Chester chasing him all the way through the kitchen into his room.
He got dressed and combed his hair. When Tereasa got there, he was so excited. She brought in a whole bunch of toys and supplies to help him. So, she set all her stuff up and they began to learn.
Once it was time to go, Zaro had already learned all his letters, numbers, colors, and animals. Tereasa was so happy before she left, she knew he had enormous potential.
From that day on, Zaro’s knowledge kept expanding, and their excitement kept growing as well. Every day, Zaro’s therapist would come over and teach Zaro even more. Once Zaro turned 9 years old he knew almost every word in the world.
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