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Portraits of A Pandemic

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We took over Cornwall’s downtown pop-up pods. For what purpose? To get the pulse of the people. (And to take advantage of alliteration.)

After many moons of pandemic-related restrictions, Perch magazine teamed up with Nicholas Seguin Creative to snap personal portraits and ask the question, “What have you learned in the past five months?”

“I have an unlimited reserve of patience.” —Jesse

“We’re going through a reset and we’re learning to take care of each other.” —Justine

“I like to ride my bike and play outside.” —Evie

“I love my family.” —Ivy

“Work to get facts before you jump to conclusions. I don’t know the absolute truth but I’m not willing to take any chances.” —Troy

“I like being around people more than I realized.” —Kelley

“I’m more grateful for the life I have because I know many people have died.” —Frances

“Blurg meeee ba ba. —Theodore

“Don’t take one minute for granted.” —Carol-Ann

“I learned to finally breathe and find my ground.” —Wendy

“Always wash your hands!” —Ethan

“We need to appreciate each other and our time together.” —Arisbe

“Life has been less frantic. We now have more time to stop and think about others.” —Robert

“I like to move a lot.” —Hudson

“I have three kids at home and I’ve had to be their teacher. I have a whole new level of respect for teachers. They work REALLY hard.” —Sara

“It’s important to have patience with each other and with everything that is happening around us.” —Bernardo

“I love playing the Lord of the Rings board game. We just finished playing it for the first time.” —Adeline

“Slow down, appreciate what you have, and stop looking forward so much. Stay in the moment.” —Terri

“I learned that I can convince my older brother to watch trashy TV in the spirit of pandemic activity.” —Emma

“Your community is a reflection of who you are. If you can keep your community strong, you can keep yourself strong.” —Lee

“I haven’t seen some of my friends since March. I really miss them.” —Isla

“We’re not as rushed anymore. It’s nice to have a little more breathing room.” —Jason

“My dad just got this new game called Legoworld for our Nintendo and I just love playing it!” —Beatrice

“I’m calmer than I expected.” —Gina

“Not everything is perfect. We can only do our best with what we have.” —Rosie

“I really enjoy spending time at home.” —Sarah

“We’re all in this together. And that goes beyond COVID.” —Eric

“When motivated people work together, cool things happen quickly.” —Kelly

“Playing with my friends and family is the best.” —Bruno

“I discovered that I’m a really fast reader!” —Michaila

“Even though I can’t see my friends, I can still have fun. I’m doing a virtual camp through Zoom with the Salesian Sisters and we get to play games and other activities.” —Natalia

“I need new hobbies.” —Eric

Thank you to all those who visited the Perch Pop-Up Portrait Studio!