By Carla Gadula, 1st Place, Poetry
at the precipice of the unravelling
where every speck of illuminating dust
that i feel
belongs inside of me
I will, with steel of bone and rage
to remain uninvaded.
On a day of speckled sun
so ordinary in scope
I sipped my bitter coffee
awaiting him.
He had graceful fingers and
a clever decrescendo
that allowed him to
reach inside and scatter me
into pieces.
A surgeon with raven wings,
he told me on that
gray lemon stained morning
that my body had betrayed me.
He used the arid sighs
of a scientist to shake me
but what my eyes heard
what my cavernous mind tasted
was the cells colliding like chimes
and them synchronizing inside
like a catalyst avalanche.
You have cancer, he said
with clipped vigilance and a starched
maroon checked button down
threading the surgical pathway
into my jittery colt running limbs.
a cascade of grasps happened then
and all my every sense
pressed up and flexed like fire
oscillating me, spiralling.
All my life I have been told
that I flitter
full of revery and labradorite sighs
whimsical laughter and a poet’s
extraterrestrial gazes.
But the other side of me
the Jungian scorpionic vault
has a steel sawed casing
an unrelenting need for control.
And the body has a pointed edge
I willed it into submission
many times
with sinewy lines,
a collarbone jutting
a shoulder that never heaved
nor tensed
a cage that kept my secrets.
It was a separate entity
vast, still, away.
But here in a fluorescent room
with blasts of light upon my skin
the surgeon, he implored me.
I felt my blood soar mad
I felt my heart stagger into awake
I felt my breast against my bone
where a conspiring army
had strengthened their hold
I felt a wound in my mind then
because my cage
with the swirling of
screaming dust particles
would have to relent
to the knife that cuts me
as I lay
arms splayed outwards
wrists restrained in leather
carving out the betraying seed
and then the nodes
that would light up a sprouted vine
cresting my fate,
and after,
I would have to relent
to the nucleus tunnel
one of synergistic beacons
they will laser into the heart of my cells
and crack them all open
terrifying shadow missionaries
a healing potion of
5 million milirems
of radiated beams.
to the invasion
of being saved.
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