In terms of mountains, Big Ben Ski Centre is a molehill. Yet it’s proof positive of what can happen when a community rallies behind an implausible idea like turning a decommissioned landfill into a happy place for schussing.
There’s more to this destination slope than a single beginner-friendly ski run, 20 metres of vertical drop, vintage wire rope tow, food truck nosh, tight terrain park, rail jams and glow nights. Don’t take our word for it. Hear from the people who find joy here, from tip to tail.


I’ve been coming to Big Ben for about four years now and started working here about two weeks ago. Snowboarding is my favourite sport and I figured if I could make a job out of it, why not do that? There’s nothing you can complain about when you’re on a ski hill.
A few weeks ago, I met a girl who had a physical disability and trouble walking. She had taken lessons before but on the day I was teaching her, she was able to successfully snowboard pretty much by herself. That was an incredible feeling for both of us. I was proud.


It’s nice to have this so close to home because sometimes it’s hard to find something to do in the winter.
I’ve been snowboarding here for a few years but today is my first day skiing. My sister grew out of her ski stuff and my dad asked me if I wanted to try. Supposedly skiing is easier than snowboarding and I’m about to find out if that’s true. Wish me luck.


I worked for 32 years with the city in the roads department. I’m retired now and I feel like I’m giving back. Plus, I get to work with my son, Brett. It doesn’t get much better.
This same rope tow system has been here since February 1975. I call it “The Monster”. It intimidates every beginner. My goal is to get people to the top of the hill and to do that, I gotta build them up slowly. Sometimes I’ll hold back a whole line of people just to bring that one kid up to the top uninterrupted. I help build their confidence slowly and the next thing you know, they’re grabbing onto this thing all on their own. Makes me smile.


I’ve been coming here since I was about a year old and now I run the canteen, book lessons, and sell lift tickets.
A little while ago, a little girl I had taught when I was still teaching came in and said, “Morgan, I want to ski with you. I want you to be my instructor.” So I put my boots on and took her out for one last lesson. It was a special moment. You don’t realize how much of an impact those lessons can have on kids but it means a lot to them. It meant a lot to me, too.
I could be doing other things, working somewhere else. But being here also keeps me connected to my dad [the late great Gary Woods]. After decades of skiing here, working here, and then running it, he was a big part of this hill. He always will be.

Alexandra, 30, Parent, & August, 2, Future Skier

My husband and I learned to ski at places like Titus and Mont Rigaud. I didn’t realize that Big Ben was here until I came across their social media posts. I can’t believe that we have this so close, basically in our backyard.
Our daughter Jamie, who is 4, just started skiing a few weeks ago. She’s a very cautious kiddo so we were unsure how it was going to go. But seeing the smile on her face when she was coming down the hill was unforgettable. We’ve been coming almost every weekend since. August will learn here for sure…next year.

Owen, 16, Ski Instructor

I grew up learning to ski at Big Ben. Now I’m an instructor here four days a week, plus I coach at Titus and ski race there too. I like being on skis all the time.
Working here is pretty much the best thing I can do and still get paid for it. Last week, I gave a lesson to a 77-year-old woman who hadn’t skied in years. I like that I got to help someone get back into a sport they loved doing before. I think that’s pretty cool.

Mackenzie, 7, Student Skier

At my house, there’s no snow but there is here! The people who work here make it so we can play with it and ski on it.
I have to say it’s kind of scary to go up the lift because if you fall you can get dragged until you let go of the rope. But the good thing is that once you figure it out, you don’t have to walk to the top of the hill anymore. And then you get to ski down. That’s the best part.

Jacob, 15, Ski and Snowboard Instructor

I grew up skiing at Rigaud and Sauveur and I came to Big Ben to try snowboarding when I was about 10. I haven’t stopped since.
The terrain park is amazing. You can get five or six runs in by the time you get one run at other ski hills because their lines are bigger and the lift rides take longer.
Because of that, we pull people from a three-hour radius. I ride with a 13-year-old from Gatineau who is trying to make it to the Olympics. He comes to practice his tricks because he can get so many runs in a session. That tells you how great this place is.

Violet, 8, Skier

I’m not a really good skier but it doesn’t matter ‘cause it’s fun here. I like getting towed to the top, going fast down the hill, and having the wind in my face. If I’m feeling good I like to try going around the gates.
I don’t even mind if I fall down. I just get back up.

Brett, 33, Operations Manager

I’ll spend a whack load of hours here with our two snow guns. If it weren’t for those machines, we’d have nothing but dirt here, especially this year. There’s definitely a science to making snow and I’ve learned how to make it at -3C instead of having to wait ‘til it’s colder.
Being here alone at night or early in the morning is absolutely beautiful and peaceful. Everything is quiet and it’s just me and the deer moving around. As soon as we open though, everything changes and the hill comes alive. I love this place; it’s home.

Madison, 17, Ski Instructor

My brother works here and my cousin does too. We all learned how to ski here. It’s my third year working here and even though I ski race at Titus, Big Ben is a big part of my life. I love it because I get to work and ski with my family.
Honestly, the best part of being here is getting to teach. I’ve had one kid—he’s now 11— who has come back for lessons three years in a row. Even though our sessions are only 45 minutes long, he’s been super enthusiastic and that makes my job extra fun. It’s amazing to see his progression every year.

Isaac, 8, Student Skier

I come from Prescott. It takes about an hour to get here. This is only my second time at Big Ben and I’m really, really excited to be here.
You know, I was nervous the first time I came here but I was happy at the same time because I was going to learn to ski down the mountain. I have a different instructor this time so hopefully everything goes well. You never know.

Jesse, 41, Skier

I love Big Ben. It takes five minutes to get here, it’s just the right size for a two-hour ski trip with the kids, and it only costs 15 dollars for a lift pass. It’s perfect.
I’ve been coming here for more than 30 years. I remember there was a ski competition here when I was about 10 years old. I bombed it. I mean, I bombed it straight down the hill. It was so awesome.
Did I win? Hell no. But it was really fun to try.
There’s always something going on! To get in on the action, follow Big Ben Ski Centre.
All photos by Nicholas Seguin Creative.