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Wintervention Quiz: Know Thyself

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Take the quiz to discover your winter personality. Then scroll down to see your results!

1. I would describe myself as:

a) An introvert.

b) An extrovert.

c) A creature of habit.

d) An adventure seeker.

2. My wardrobe is mostly made up of:

a) Neutral colours.

b) Florals and other snazzy patterns.

c) A little bit of everything.

d) All of the above.

3. How do you feel about layers?

a) Layers of blankets? So much yes!

b) One layer is OK, two max.

c) I’d rather bundle up than freeze to death!

d) Layers are an essential part

of winter, I’m down!

4. Pick a winter jacket:

a) Why?

b) I don’t need a winter jacket.

c) I’m indifferent.

d) A parka.

5. What is most important to you when shopping for winter gear?

a) Style.

b) I don’t really shop for winter gear.

c) Quality.

d) Durability.

6. Pick an accessory:

a) Headphones.

b) Sunglasses.

c) Gloves.

d) Ski goggles.

7. My go-to comfort food is:

a) A steaming hot bowl of

chicken noodle soup.

b) Anything on the BBQ.

c) A hearty bowl of chili.

d) All of the above…and more.

8. Pick a beverage:

a) Tea.

b) Margarita.

c) Beer.

d) Hot chocolate.

9. Your grandma crochets a gift for you. What is it?

a) A cozy pair of slippers.

b) A bikini.

c) A warm toque.

d) An epic scarf.

10. What will you spend your money on?

a) Cozy wool socks.

b) A plane ticket.

c) A family ski pass.

d) Neon ski goggles!

11. Pick a classic winter movie:

a) Home Alone.

b) Christmas With The Kranks.

c) How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

d) The Mighty Ducks.

12. It’s cold outside. What do you do?

a) Drink warm apple cider.

b) Tan on the beach in Florida.

c) Stay inside and play some board games.

d) There’s no such thing as too cold!


man bundled blanket fireplace hibernator

If you chose mostly As, you are: A Hibernator

You hate winter, especially when it means bundling up and shovelling the driveway. When the temperature drops, you hunker down and bolt the doors, avoiding winter at all costs. Your idea of the perfect winter night is staying inside, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket by the fire. Netflix and chill counts as a winter activity, right?

woman illustration sunglasses suitcase

If you chose mostly Bs, you are: A Southern Escape Artist

Winter excites you—not because you intend to hit the slopes or build a snowman—but because you can finally escape to your tropical oasis. You love hopping on a plane, planting your chair in the sand, and relaxing with a Piña Colada in one hand and a good book in the other. Pack the sunblock!

man annoyed with kid gear illustration

If you chose mostly Cs, you are: An Apathetic Tolerator

Winter isn’t necessarily your jam but you’re fully invested anyway. The first snowfall means cracking out the snow blower to make sure you have the driveway cleared first thing in the morning so you can chauffeur your kids to their outdoor activities. One day, you might warm up to the idea of winter, but you’re not ready to call it your favourite season just yet. Worry not! The snow will melt soon enough.

woman snowshoes ski poles winter warrior

If you chose mostly Ds, you are: A Winter Warrior

You anxiously await the first snowfall of the year because it means you can finally break out your layers! Winter makes you feel like a kid again—you always instigate a snowball fight or rally together a group of old friends to play pond hockey. You’re a total cold temp junky, and spend hours outside snowshoeing or skiing or skating. See you on the slopes!

Photo: Betty D’Amours Donkers/Betty’s Photography. Illustrations: Kyle Beaudette.

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