We all know the dreaded symptoms. The scratchy throat. The runny nose. The stuffy head. A cold is coming
and gosh, darn it, you will not be decimated by it. Not this year! Try one or more of the remedies below.

BUMBLEBEE REMEDY Have a heaping spoonful of Stewart Honey’s award-winning raw honey infused with organic raw garlic. Both main ingredients are said to have quick-acting healing properties. You may not feel kissable after, but you just may feel better!
SOUPER COMFORT Comfort yourself with a steaming hot bowl of Seaway Valley Soups Curry Lentil soup. It couldn’t be easier—just dump the ingredients into chicken stock, simmer, then sip and slurp to your heart’s content!
TEA IT UP Brew up a steaming cup of Kick That Cold Tea from Glengarry Tea Company. This warming tea is a spicy blend of lemongrass leaves, citrus, apple pieces, cinnamon bits, hibiscus petals, cardamom, clove and ginger.

FIRE BREATHING DRAGON Mix a small pinch of cayenne pepper in an ounce of orange juice. Shoot it. (If needed, follow with a glass of milk or slice of bread to cut the burn.)
PUCKER UP Swallow a few spoonfuls of raw apple cider vinegar. Can be diluted with a bit of hot water and some maple syrup to make it more palatable.
MUSTARD PLASTER Mix 2 tbsp dry mustard with 4 tbsp flour; add enough water to make a paste. Spread the paste on thin cotton or cheesecloth; fold and place it on your chest. Leave on no longer than 20 minutes, checking skin often for blisters. This one is definitely “Try at your own risk”.
Illustrations: Kyle Beaudette